Ferries Offers

Offers Moby Lines

For each destination, you can choose between numerous special offers!
When you book online, Moby will suggest the best solution and find the lowest price considering the outward / return rates, the presence of special packages and the official rate in force.
The special rates Moby are applied automatically by the system, which calculates the budget with the cheapest rate available on the selected ride.

Best Offer - Sardinia and Corsica
Take advantage of the MOBY Lines super deal for passengers travelling with a car, with or without a cabin!

Best Offer Moto - Sardinia and Corsica
Take advantage of the MOBY Lines super deal for passengers travelling with a motorbike!

Day cabin - Sardinia and Corsica
Book a day cabin at an unbeatable price to make your day crossing more relaxing and arrive feeling refreshed!

Luxury package - Sardinia
V-Class - Shout yourself a little V.I.P. treatment with a range of exclusive services designed to fulfil the needs of even the most demanding passengers.

Camping on board - Sardinia
Camp on board with your mobile home or caravan and enjoy extra cheap fares. You'll save on the cabin fare too.

Moby Night - Corsica
Start your holiday before you even leave! Save on costs and travel time by boarding the night before your crossing.

Caravan, Campervan and Van - Sardinia, Corsica and Elba Island
MOBY Pex Camper. Travel in absolute freedom and save with the deal for 1 passenger + campervan, caravan, van or minibus.

Offers Toremar

Group discounts are available for all fare levels for groups of 18 or more paying passengers. A free ticket is offered in addition to the discount.

On the route Piombino-Portoferraio will apply a discount only on the bus fare (excepted taxes, surcharges and other costs) in all periods with low-season tariff.

Up to 3 years inclusive children travel free
Up to 11 years inclusive children receive a 50% discount

Pex Tarif
The tariff Pex is applicable for one person and a car carried along! The offer is valid for the crossings Piombino-Portoferraio-Piombino, Piombino-Cavo-Piombino as well as Piombino-Rio Marina-Piombino.
The tariff applied follows the date, time and the load of the ships.